An Eye-Opening Message for Frustrated Network Marketers...
"How To Succeed At Network Marketing By Burning Your Names List, Ditching The Thursday Night Hotel Meetings And NEVER Paying For Another Opportunity Lead Again!"
Find Out What Your Upline Isn't Telling You: Why You Don't Need To Harass Anyone To Join Your Business... How To Have Prospects Lining Up For Your Opportunity Instead...
... And Why The Traditional Out-Dated Methods Are Literally Self-Sabotaging Your Success.
Date: Monday, November 26, 2007
To: Vennie
From: Ann Sieg
Re: The Renegade Network Marketer
Dear Vennie,
Let me ask you a couple questions... and be honest when you answer them.
- #1: Do you despise bugging your family, your friends and people who are just praying that you won't bring up your "business" opportunity?
- #2: Are you tired of hounding prospects who you know couldn't care less about your business?
- #3: Are you sick of being told to "Just do more of it!" when it's obvious that what you're supposed to be doing more of never worked in the first place!?
- #4: Have you been hard at it for months (even years) without seeing any real, significant results? (Some in our industry would call this "delayed gratification," but I've got a different word for it and it's a lot shorter... )
If you went through this list of questions and answered "yes" to one or more of them... you need to pay very careful attention to every word in this letter because...
This May Be The Most Important Message You'll Ever Read.
You see, the odds are very good that you're banging your head against a wall right now trying to build your network marketing business. The odds are also very good that you're needlessly doing so.
Just imagine what things would be like for you if...
Rather than spending half your time with people who can't wait to hang up on you, you had pre-qualified prospects coming to you asking you for more information.
What if instead of being viewed as some nut pushing their "pyramid scheme," people actually respected your opinion and valued your advice?
What would you give to wake up every morning, check your inbox, and find a fresh new batch of emails and voicemails waiting for your response?
What would you give to have people call you and say: "Hey Vennie, can I do what you're doing?"
What would that be worth to your business? Wouldn't that dramatically accelerate your results?
You bet it would. And all it takes is a simple shift in the way you think about what you do.
Let me share with you what happened to me after I experienced this exact change in my business.
My name's Ann Sieg and I've been in and out of the mlm industry for over 19 years now. I've joined and tried to build more opportunities than I care to remember.
I may be somewhat of a slow learner, but eventually (just like everyone else who builds real wealth in this industry) I too figured out that nearly everything I had been doing all those years was a complete waste of time. I put myself through a lot of unnecessary rejection and embarrassment, but in the end I did accomplish what I had set out to do in the first place... and a whole lot more!
Once things started to click and I finally "got it," I went from about 1-2 sign ups every 5 months (people that I practically bribed to join my business) to having more eager prospects demanding information from me than I knew what to do with. I went from having nothing but debt to earning a six figure income that supported my entire family.
And you can do the exact same thing and probably even a lot faster than I did.
You see Vennie, I could have reached all my goals a long, looong time ago had someone just let me in this shocking (and somewhat disturbing) secret...
Almost Everything The Network Marketing
Industry Teaches You About Prospecting, Recruiting,
And Sponsoring People Is Completely Useless.
Not only is it useless, it's actually destroying your business and any chance you have of success.
Don't believe me, just look at the stats.
It's plain as day to anyone who's willing to take a look that 97% of mlmers never make any money with their business.
As I discovered, it has nothing to do with network marketing itself...
And EVERYTHING to do with the way network marketing is done.
I learned this the hard way in 2002 when I threw myself 110% at building a new opportunity that I was sure was going to be "the one."
Like I said, I've been in and out of the industry for awhile, but prior to this company I had sworn off mlm for a few years. What brought me back was a "revolutionary" comp plan that I thought was so miraculous it would literally be impossible to fail this time around (a HUGE mistake, as I'll share with you in a moment).
I also had a very strong reason to succeed at this point - a big "why" as we say in the biz. My husband and I had owned a small windshield replacement business for 12 years and things were starting to fall apart. We were being muscled out of business by a barrage of legislation and insurance nightmares that eventually shut down most mom and pop glass shops in our area.
Our ship was sinking fast, so I couldn't afford to mess around.
I Needed To Succeed And I Needed To Do It Quickly...
I was serious this time so I devoured everything I could get my hands on about network marketing. I...
- Read all the books...
- Listened to audios non-stop in my car...
- Never missed a company training...
- Was on every team call and attended every opportunity meeting...
- Went to ALL the events...
- Milked my upline for every drop of wisdom and advice I could get from them...
- Plastered my house with goal cards and pictures of all the stuff I wanted to do when I was "making it"...
- And... most importantly... I did everything I was told to do, exactly the way I was told to do it.
Made my names list... contacted everyone on it... showed the plan... called some leads... drove all over creation... did three way calls... passed out videos... set coffee appointments at Caribou (hey, at least it's a business expense!)... called some more leads... did home meetings (lots of them)... SHOWED THE PLAN... brought people to hotel meetings (the people you pick up show up, right?)... passed out business cards... showed the plan some more... prospected everyone with a pulse... used the referral approach... practically wore the numbers off my phone calling more leads... the whole deal. (Did I mention I showed the plan?)
Even became the top retailer for my company in my state not once but twice! (One month I sold over $3,000 worth of retail product. And that was A LOT in this particular company... ) I was a real "go getter." You know, the kind of distributor you'd kill to have in your organization.
There was only one minor problem.
After 18 months of busting my tail, I wasn't any closer to producing a "leveraged income" than I was when I started! Imagine that.
Sure, I had a small organization going. But nothing to stand up and cheer about. I'd cashed a few (pathetically small) commission checks but I wasn't even remotely close to breaking even.
I could not, for the life of me, understand why it wasn't working! I was doing everything they told me to do and then some!
At the end of 18 grueling months I was...
- Disgusted by the "fake it 'till you make it" Thursday night hotel meetings where everyone puts on a happy face even though no one's going anywhere.
- Fed up with my upline telling me to just "talk to more people" or "call more leads" when I knew that wasn't the real problem.
- Frustrated that no matter how hard I tried to lead by example my people just wouldn't duplicate me. And...
- Had spent myself into a hole buying opportunity leads that might as well have been numbers straight out of the phone book and then shelling out for expensive corporate "training" that did nothing but "pump me up" and talk about how great the company was.
Any of this sound familiar Vennie?
I had hit a massive brick wall and the best advice my upline had to offer me was "run through your names lists again."
Sorry, but 4 times is quite enough thank you.
I knew there had to be a better way to do it. There was no way it could be this hard.
So here's what happened.
My son, also my sponsor at one point, had stopped working the business in pursuit of other things. One day he said to me, "Hey mom, you need to go after your target market." (A term that's completely foreign in network marketing).
Hmmm, interesting concept.
I had hit rock bottom at that point so there was only one thing for me to do.
I Started Doing The Exact Opposite Of
What My Upline Had Taught Me.
After all, I tried it "their way"... and guess what?
"Their way" almost cost me my sanity!
What did I have to lose?
The Renegade Network Marketer™ was born...
I wiped the slate clean and began the educational process again from the start. I immersed myself in studying and read everything on marketing I could possibly get my hands on.
Except this time I did something different. And this one simple change ended up being the best thing I've ever done for my business.
Want to know what that change was?
I Learned How To Build A Network Marketing Business
From Sources OUTSIDE The Network Marketing Industry.
I'll explain why that was so important in a minute... for now, let me tell you what happened.
I learned principles that completely revolutionized my thinking. The proverbial "light bulb" had gone on. Suddenly everything became crystal clear.
I finally understood, after 19 years of struggling and spinning my wheels, why every single opportunity I had ever attempted to build fell flat on its face.
I finally understood why this business seemed so frustrating and so hard to do.
What I discovered was that...
The network marketing industry literally has no clue on how to do marketing.
Dead serious.
Please don't take that personally because I'm not trying to offend anyone. It's just the truth. (Most of the time it's just that people are unaware of what they're doing and what they're teaching others to do)
Why is this?
It's because network marketing is a business that's designed for the "average person."
Well what's wrong with that?
This double-edged sword has severe side effects and I believe it's the true root cause of almost all the problems experienced by distributors in this industry.
Here's the main thing that happens as a results of this:
- 95% of people who get involved in mlm have absolutely no real foundation in effective sales and marketing and therefore the stuff they pass on to their equally unknowing downline members can only be described as pure garbage.
Being educated about marketing by the mlm industry is very, very dangerous. (I've got the scars to prove it: Lost friendships and tons of credit card debt that I was finally able to pay off.)
It wasn't until I began looking outside the industry for training that I found the answers to all my problems and things did a complete 180.
When I say I did the exact opposite of what my upline had taught me, I mean just that.
This Time Around I Didn't Share My Opportunity With Anyone.
In fact, I never asked a single person to join my business. Not one.
This time, they all asked ME. (Would you like to build your business that way?)
And because of this, I was routinely able to sponsor more people in a single month than I ever did in my entire previous mlm career.
The whole time I had been completely missing one key principle that, when it finally did hit me, seemed so ridiculously obvious I couldn't believe it had taken me that long to realize it (a principle that marketers in other industries use to make untold millions of dollars in profit). That is...
Getting the customer to come to you first!
And when you do that... EVERYTHING changes. I mean everything.
The whole problem of facing rejection simply becomes a non-issue because you're only talking with people who want to talk to you. You can have a normal social life again - one where you're not constantly trying to "sneak" your opportunity into the conversation. All that silly "motivational stuff" is exposed for what it really is: More of a distraction than anything else
The entire dynamics of your business changes. Your attitude... your results... your approach... everything.
But you know what the best part is Vennie? When people come to you, sponsoring a new distributor is no longer a momentous occasion worth going out to eat for. It's simply an everyday, routine part of business. Just like checking your email.
I'll show you just a few examples of real people (just like yourself) who have experienced this month in and month out by utilizing these simple laws of attraction.
But first, let me tell you what happened for me once I mastered this concept.
In less than four months I...
- Retired my husband from the job he took at the airport after our windshield repair business collapsed.
- Starting consistently sponsoring a minimum of 20 new people every month, sometimes hitting 50+ a month (54 personally sponsored being my highest month). The amazing part about this is that sponsoring 2, 3, even 5 times these numbers every month would have been very, very easy with the system I developed. However, I deliberately chose NOT to for a couple very specific reasons (reasons I'll explain later).
- Quickly become the top distributor in a new company I joined.
- Generated so many leads and had so many people coming to me that I literally didn't know what to do with them all. For example, in one month alone my system pulled in over 1,780 prospects... all begging for more information!
- Built a $90,000+ a month business! (Are these earnings all from my mlm commission checks? Of course not. Click here to find out why you don't want to limit yourself to this either... )
You know what else though? People started duplicating me. Big time.
Not because I "motivated" them or because I was such a great sponsor...
But because they had a killer marketing system cramming their funnel full with super high-quality prospects.
This business starts to get real exciting when you have tons of people in your organization sponsoring 5, 10, even 20 or more people a month!
Here's just a few examples (and all of them were done without working names lists or spending money on dead-beat biz opp leads):
- Christian Marquez, after plugging into my system, consistently sponsored 6-8 people a month. During one 11 day period he sponsored 9 people.
- Katherine Nyby had been a sales rep for numerous companies before starting network marketing. She sponsored 5 people in her first week and then went on to sponsor 15 people a month after that!
- Nancy Christenson proved to be one of the most consistent and reliable business builders I ever had, bringing in no less than 5 (usually closer to people every month.
- Kagwiria Makhulo, who worked with foster children, sponsored 8 people or more every single month with a 25% closing ratio (she sponsored 1 out of every 4 people she talked to)! She's brought in well over 100 people in our time together.
- Candace Hogan, who was a dairy farmer and a wrestling coach in a past life, sponsored 9-10 people a month. (I should add that she was only contacting 1 prospect a day - most people were working with 2 a day. So that's roughly a 30% closing ratio). She actually sponsored the first two prospects she ever talked to.
- Scott Rogers, an insurance agent, wasted no time. He sponsored 8 people in his first month and continued to sponsor anywhere from 15 to 18 people every month after that. In a fairly short amount of time he's personally sponsored almost 90 people.
- Brad Aden, a mortgage broker, got immediate results. He was in for no longer than 2 weeks and he had already sponsored 8 people! 15 a month was normal for him.
- Sherry Higdon, routinely brought in over 20 people a month. In her biggest month she sponsored 26 people.
Think about that... 26 people in one month. For crying out loud, most people are hard-pressed to come up with 26 people to talk to in a month... let alone sponsor that many!
Because of all this, here is the most important thing I've learned about mlm which I'd like to share with you:
"You Can Have The Most Lucrative Compensation Plan In The World, With The Most Revolutionary Product On The Planet And The Greatest Upline Ever - But If You're Using Ancient And Ineffective Techniques To Market Your Business, None Of That Matters."
And that was always my problem. I put all my focus on the "latest and greatest" products and even more so, the comp plans. But as long as you're having to search for prospects yourself and chase them down, the whole thing is doomed to failure from the start.
What I found out though, was that if you have a proven, automated marketing machine that does all the preliminary "sifting and sorting" for you and ensures that you only end up with the best prospects... you can go anywhere, join any company and become successful very quickly. Regardless of what their comp plan or products are like.
Which is why I've spent nearly the past two years testing, tweaking and applying these strategies to mlm and hammering them out into a well-honed process that systematically, predictably churns out pre-qualified prospects for you whether you're actually working or not.
It's something I like to call...
The Renegade System™
"Growing List Of Leads That I Have For My Primary Business!"
"Hi Ann, I just wanted to drop you a quick note to update you on the results that I am experiencing with The Renegade System.
Exactly one month ago today, I began utilizing the tools and resources that you have recommended to us in back-office of The Renegade System. And I have to be honest... I am having trouble keeping up with the success I have been having. I don't know how you do it!
The most exciting part for me is that, for the first time ever in my career, I am in PROFIT within 30 days of starting with ANY business system! Amazing! I think the statistics for small business owners state that it takes an average of 5 years to start seeing a profit in a new business... and I am there in 1 month!
The retail sales have been nothing short of fantastic. But the icing on the cake is the several hundred extra dollars that I have earned PASSIVELY through the back-end affiliate URLs.
What a Blessing your book and system is to both myself and my family. I am eternally grateful for what you have given us. Thank you Ann!"
Cyndi Williams
Alberta, Canada
P.S. I can't forget to mention the growing list of leads that I have for my primary business. Like I said, I really don't know how you keep up! Can you teach us that in your next book?
"It's Going To Change The Face Of
How Network Marketing Is Done Online!"
It's scary how much we are on the same wavelength. :-) It boggles my mind how badly NETwork marketing is being done on the InterNET! I mean... an entire distribution model that has been based on NETWORKING is totally missing the ultimate network of all time. The irony is staggering.
I read "The Renegade Network Marketer" last night and it's amazing - an exciting breath of fresh air in a closed room full of cigar smoke from the old guys who run the companies and don't have a clue. ALL that stuff the companies want their reps to do is such a waste of their valuable time.
I already knew we were on the same wavelength, but after reading the book, it's ten times more obvious. (I love the whole explanation of "efficiency" vs "effectiveness" by the way). It's what is going to shoot MLMers to the moon and ultimately change the face of how network marketing is done online."
All the best,
Ken Evoy
What's it about?
It's really about un-learning all the old, worn-out methods that simply don't work in today's society anymore and equipping yourself with the techniques and strategies real marketers use to build their business.
It's about positioning yourself in a way that draws leaders to you almost effortlessly, allowing you to end the non-stop game of cold calling.
It's a step-by-step roadmap that shows you how to setup a marketing pipeline that feeds you and your organization with a constant flow of red-hot prospects - the lifeblood of your business. (And perhaps best of all, it's about how to do this for free, rather than forking over your whole paycheck for your leads).
Can you imagine what your business and your income would look like if you were bringing in 20... 10... 5... even just one new business-builder a month? And if your organization was doing the same thing?
Can you imagine what a load off your shoulders it would be to NEVER have to pester (or even ask) anyone to join your business again?
This is what you'll finally be able to do with The Renegade System because...
I'd Like To Hand You The Exact Same Marketing
Blueprint I Used To Build A Sprawling MLM Business.
And remember, when I first stumbled upon these thought-altering techniques I had to figure everything out on my own through trial and error.
You're already in a position to succeed faster than I did because most of the legwork's already been done for you. I've laid everything out in an easy-to-follow, easy-to-understand manner.
The foundation of the system is a 114 page in-depth, how-to manual that details the exact formula I used to build my business and expand my streams of income.
In it, you'll discover everything my team and I have learned about making money and building wealth in mlm. (I promise that you'll learn how to maximize your earnings in ways you've never seen done before by anyone in this industry).
Even more important though, it doesn't matter what opportunity you're trying to build... the techniques and methods you'll learn are universal and work for ANYONE in ANY company.
But before we go any further, here's the thing to remember: I can say all I want about this system... but it really doesn't matter does it? When push comes to shove, the only thing that really, truly matters is what other people have to say about it. Other people who have paid money and gone through this material themselves. That's why I encourage you to read and listen to all the testimonials throughout this letter from fellow network marketers (from many different companies) who have learned the principles contained inside this system and are seeing dramatic results in their business because of them.
That said, here's just a taste of the valuable insights you'll gain.
What if you knew...
What Others Say...
All I Can Say Is... "WOW"!
"I haven't made it through the whole book yet... .for a reason. I'm so impressed I'm taking my time soaking up every word... ..squeezing in a few minutes here and there in my busy schedule.
All I can say is... "WOW"!
Everything I've been trying to tell folks is right there... .albeit explained much better than I ever have. I'd call it "practical reality".
The real nitty gritty that works. Definitely not the old and tired mainstream stuff the rest of the sheep get."
- Michael Lemm
Couldn't Stop Reading...
"I sat down yesterday with the intent of reading the Introduction and Chapter 1 of "The Renegade Network Marketer". Like most network marketers I have a part-time job and felt that was all I had time to read.
Twenty minutes before I had to be at work, I finished reading the whole book. I could not stop. What's even more unusual for me is I had to wait until today to gather my thoughts in order to write these comments. Had I written them yesterday I would have been locked away for being a ranting lunatic.
This is how powerfully I received the content of "The Renegade Network Marketer". Add a zero to the cost of this ebook, the information contained within is worth it."
Dale Steward
Well-Thought Out And Executed "Attraction Marketing" System...
Ann has nailed a very important message for people who want to make any kind of significant income in Network Marketing. Namely, you have to know something about MARKETING!
And there is real substance behind her extremely well-thought out and executed "attraction marketing" system. Heck - I learned something that improved my marketing enormously the day I read "The Renegade Network Marketer."
Lou Abbott
This is Gonna Be The Book That Changed MLM Forever!
"Hi Ann!
Right now, for the record it's 1:41am as I'm typing this email on Tuesday morning, March 27th. I'm reading chapter 9.
What can I say... ..Oh My God!! This is gonna be the book that changed MLM forever for the better. I can't believe I'm gonna be a part of it! Am I dreaming?
Luckily, the book is an ebook! If it was a paperback book, its popularity would cause disruptions and mob like behavior at book stores."
Christian Marquez
San Francisco, CA
All I Ask Is You Put A Couple Zeros On The End Of The Price...
Excellent stuff! For once a product that is all meat and no fluff!
It's amazing but this stuff crossed my mind several years ago and while you have had the courage and common sense to tell it like it is, I'm sure you'll ruffle a few feathers in the process. So what! All I ask is you put a couple of zeros on the end of the price because even then, this information would be a steal!
Dean Caporella
Thank God For All of This!
"Hi Ann,
I finally got to and finished the ebook and chapter 9 on the plane last night. Sleep deprivation may have played into it a little, but I do not think so--when I finished I closed the book and had tears of gratitude slipping out of my eyes periodically the rest of the flight and drive home. I really had the guy next to me confused!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and thank God for all of this!"
Katherine Nyby
Canton, GA
Phenomenal Unique System - WOW!
"Great forward thinking marketing system. This system addresses several important issues for many marketers, getting cash flow going for a marketing budget, building credibility, developing leads, resource & training area and residual income generation.
There is so much here to digest I know I'll have to read this several times so that I can absorb it all. Phenomenal unique system - WOW!"
Brian Karwowski
Deerfield, NY
Two Thumbs WAY UP!
"Ann - The Truth, The Whole Truth, AND Nothing But The Truth". You have finally exposed the secrets of the MLM heavy hitter club!
WOW, right on target!
And you have made it very easy to understand for the average person hoping to make it BIG in network marketing. Two thumbs WAY UP on your ebook, "The Renegade Network Marketer"!"
Jeffrey Forman
Will Change How Network Marketing Will Be Practiced in the 21st Century...
"Ann Sieg is the most qualified professional sales training consultant that I have worked with in 30 years. She has taught me the reality of how and why customers buy in todays competitive sales environment.
Her philosophy of conceptual selling and win-win attitude will change how Network Marketing will be successfully practiced in the 21st Century."
Thomas F. Richardson
Independent XanGo Distributor
Wish I'd Found It 4 Years Ago...
"I went online to do some research and came across Ann's information... I realized why my first business attempt failed - I had fallen into all 4 traps of why most Network Marketers fail!
I don't know how I would have built my business without this. I know that I am laying the groundwork for my success by defining my goals, creating a plan of action, developing my skills and preparing for the growth that will come as I consistently do the work.
I am so excited to have found this information. I wish I'd found it 4 years ago, but better late than never!"
Carrie Kearsley
This e-book and system has pulled in all the best marketing concepts I have ever heard and put them on steroids.
Ann, I can not communicate in words how incredible this book is for me! My mind is exploding with ideas!
This was exactly what I was looking for when I began my search for mlm training. This e-book and system has pulled in all the best marketing concepts I have ever heard and put them on steroids. I cannot tell you how thankful I am for your hard, diligent work in putting this together. I am excited to take part in this incredible team. Thanks again!
McKay Earl
- How to sell to 1,000 (or even 10,000) people in the same amount of time it personally takes you to sell to one. This underused method of "remote-control-selling" increases your own selling power - as well as that of your distributors - exponentially. (This is how ALL massive fortunes are made).
- The step-by-step strategies I taught one of my distributors that allowed her to begin sponsoring dozens of new people every month, after having not been able to sponsor a single soul into her business in her first 8 months.
- How to get results that are 5x, 10x even 20x greater than your competition... but have the results also come much, much easier. (Just read and listen to a few of the testimonials in this letter and you'll see people just like you who are getting these EXACT results... )
- How to turn the lead generation process itself into a source of profits. (Without this element, I NEVER would have been able to achieve the level of success I have.)
- How to setup a marketing pipeline that allows your prospects to sell and close themselves without being force-fed any hardcore sales pitches!
- Why a business opportunity is... literally... the last thing you want to sell your prospects! No joke. I know that makes no sense at all, but one of the best kept secrets of this industry is that the people who really make obscene incomes in mlm DON'T push opportunities (and yet... this is the easiest and fastest way to build your organization!).
- The "uncomfortable" truth about why it's almost mathematically impossible for the average distributor to grow their business and turn a profit fast enough by using the traditional methods... AND... how a simple change in your focus can have you immediately generating all the upfront cash you need to fund massive growth.
- How to overcome the single biggest hurdle we as network marketers face in our prospects minds. (Here's a hint: They don't believe us!)
- Why relying on the marketing materials your company or upline provides is often the very worst thing you can do. (Discover why these "tools" are often pathetically ineffective.)
- The 3 key things that you need any good marketing system to do for you. (Without these factors, getting the results you're looking for is almost impossible.)
- Why the law of supply and demand works against 97% of the home based business industry... and... the most important thing you absolutely must do to even have a prayer of "making it". (Doing this will make the law of supply and demand work IN your favor so that your opportunity is literally the only logical choice in your prospect's mind... )
- How to take the concept of leverage in network marketing to a whole new level unheard of in this industry. You think "duplication" is leverage? Wait 'till you see this. Once you implement this technique your organization will be bursting at the seams with new reps.
- The single most powerful word you can use in your advertising or when trying to persuade another person. Anytime I put together an ad or sales letter of any kind, I always go back and specifically check to make sure I used this word frequently enough because it's so brutally effective. (And no... it's not "free" or "you".)
- How to make money from all the people who said "no" to your opportunity. (This ensures that you get paid for your prospecting efforts regardless of whether you sponsor someone or not.) By doing this, you'll explode the size of your organization 10x faster than you'd normally be able to.
- How to position yourself as a trusted third party who's simply providing valuable information, rather than "just another annoying network marketer" who's trying to shove an opportunity down people's throats.
- Discover the most powerful motivating factor that exists in all human beings. Hands-down. Learn how to properly tap into this force and your ability to persuade people to open their wallets and give you money will be borderline criminal... (I've personally increased the conversion rate on ads of mine by 200, 400, even 600% or more by utilizing this natural "hot button".)
- The 4 major reasons why people won't buy from you and how to conquer every one of them. (I always make it my primary objective to overcome reason #4 because if you can, you are practically guaranteed the sale.)
- The reason why selling the specifics of your company is the last thing you should be concerned with. (And... what you SHOULD be selling instead.)
- The single most important element in the entire sales process. ( It's also the most overlooked.)
- How to make money with mlm in ways or the industry will never teach you. (This single principle alone is so valuable it's worth the entire price of the system.)
- Why having a ground floor opportunity, the best products and even a "killer" compensation plan is completely irrelevant to your success. (And why focusing on them can actually hold you back.)
- The one, single thing the wealthiest and most prosperous people in any field all have in common. Without exception. (Once you know this, you can literally join any business, go anywhere, and be successful.)
- When sponsoring truckloads of people can actually become a bad thing! (Believe it or not, it is possible.)
- How to generate hundreds, even thousands of retail customers... and... how to turn them all into business-building partners!
- The greatest sales secret of all time. This secret not only saved my business... it propelled it to levels of success I thought you only read about in magazines.
- How to generate unbelievable high-quality leads for free!
- How to make $1,000s of dollars within your first month of business - rather than waiting forever for the residual income to kick in.
- The one image I added to my homepage that increased sales by 15.9%.
- The 3 things you MUST do to show your prospect you have a real, viable solution for their problems... not just another dime-a-dozen biz-opp.
- How to completely restructure your business so that the check you get each month from your MLM company is just one of many, many sources of income flowing into your bank account.
- The #1 greatest reason people choose to go with a particular company over all the others. It has nothing to do with the products or compensation plan and everything to do with this...
- How to harness the natural synergy between sales and marketing to quadruple the effectiveness of your sponsoring efforts. (This tip is so effective, you'll find that you're sponsoring twice as many people in less than half the time.)
- The one style of advertisement that gets 500% more readership than all other ads. (Understand this ridiculously easy to apply principle and you'll have the ability to craft ads better than 95% of Madison Avenue executives!)
- How to add additional leveraged streams of income to your business by earning commissions through some of the biggest internet affiliate programs out there (for example: yahoo ppc, 1shoppingcart, godaddy, etc) without doing ANYTHING to promote them. Yep, you read that right. I guarantee you've never seen these ground-breaking methods anywhere else, ever.
- How I cranked out 1,782 leads for myself and my team and generated $115,858.90 in retail sales in ONE MONTH by building a website my webmaster almost refused to work on because he said it broke every single rule in the book. Would you like to have a site like that?
- How to have all the preliminary sifting and sorting (aka - prospecting) done for you automatically so that you're only spending your time sponsoring the best prospects - people who have pre-qualified themselves.
- How to get 100% duplication from your team. Impossible? Nope. I've done it myself and I'll tell you exactly how to do it as well (it's extremely simple and it has nothing to do with "motivating" people or helping them set goals).
- And a lot more!
What you've just read is only a small sample of the nuggets of wisdom you'll get when you order The Renegade System.
Once you learn and begin applying these methods, you'll wonder with amazement how you ever did it "the other way." You'll shake your head in amusement anytime you hear someone talking about prospecting their brother's wife or their church's youth pastor.
These closely-held techniques have previously only been used by a fraction of elite marketers to build sprawling organizations in record time (you didn't really think they did it by pounding the phone all day long did you?).
Here's what just a couple other people have to say about this system...
Vennie, there is one strategy in particular though that I'd like to emphasis here because, without it, I truly believe exponential growth (the kind of growth you're looking for) is very unlikely, if not impossible.
You see, one of my biggest problems, aside from not being able to sponsor people, was that my income was never able to keep up with my expenses!
I'm sure you have - or are - running into the same issue yourself. In fact, what I've found is that the biggest reason people drop out of mlm is simply because they run out of funds.
What if that wasn't a problem for you? Do you think you'd be able to be successful if you were able to equip yourself with every tool, resource and training material imaginable to help you build your business... and at the same time enjoy a healthy flow of leads to work with?
One of the most important aspects of The Renegade System is learning how to get into positive cashflow immediately... rather than waiting 6 months or more for that elusive "residual" income we all dream about.
Here's how it's done...
You need to make money from every single one of your prospects BEFORE they ever join your business. And in fact... it needs to be taken one step further. You need to make money from them regardless of whether they end up joining your business or not.
In other words... you need people to pay you to become your prospect!
Sound too good to be true?
Not at all.
Here are some screenshots showing just a couple of different months from just one of my email campaigns that I was adding fresh prospects to on a daily basis.
Over 1,000 prospects added to this campaign in October 2006...
And over 920 added to this one in January...
And... here's a screenshot from my Microsoft Outlook account showing just a few dozen people (out of thousands) who have literally paid me to prospect them!
You can see all those are for the month of December, but here's a screenshot showing my merchant account (credit card processing) report for just one day's worth of sales in the same month of January above for a total of $3,515.70...
This completely solved my whole cashflow problem and made it so that I could afford to advertise my business endlessly.
Not to mention the quality of these prospects I generated were unbelievable. At times my team was sponsoring as many as 8 out of every 10 they spoke with! Can you imagine having an 80% closing ratio?
The best part is, when you make the transition to attraction marketing, you'll discover that these kinds of numbers aren't just do-able... they're actually quite normal. After awhile, it kind of becomes routine.
You'll find out exactly how to do this because if you order The Renegade System today you'll also get unlimited access to The Renegade Network Marketer Backend Lead Generation and Training System... completely FREE!
Bonus #1: Lifetime Access to The FULL Renegade Network Marketer Backend Lead Generation System.
This whole system is a powerful web of marketing pieces, emails, websites, training materials and resources (100% generic) all designed to attract people to you... and... help you make money with network marketing in ways you never imagined.
With the complete Renegade System, you'll be able to turn the lead generation process into a source of profits rather than just another expense that ties up your funds and you'll also develop multiple streams of ongoing, leveraged income through way too many different sources to list here.
This is the exact same system myself and my team currently use to expand what I like to call our "virtual real estate."
There's no better feeling than the feeling of security that comes from getting ongoing checks from numerous different companies and affiliate programs.
Plus, you'll also get access to the largest and most comprehensive training and resource area on any website in our industry.
The strategies and concepts talked about within The Renegade Network Marketer pdf manual are invaluable... but... they can be slightly overwhelming when taken in all at once. That's why I put this backend training area together: To fill in all the blanks and give you the nitty-gritty details you need to apply what you've learned.
Here's just an idea of what you'll find in this totally free resource...
- How to promote your websites using free and paid methods (both online and offline).
- The "ins" and "outs" of each method that you must know in order to be effective (and in some cases, to avoid getting in trouble).
- How to write killer ads that get results (including a totally free resource that will teach you more about marketing and sales psychology than most paid courses ever will. This one's a personal favorite of mine and has easily been worth tens of thousands of dollars to me).
- Pre-written email ads, banner ads, ezine ads, graphics, articles and more to help you get going as fast as possible.
- How to get the most bang for your buck - the most cost effective companies to work with when doing your advertising.
- How to track all your efforts so you know what's working and what's not (this is one of the biggest keys to sales and marketing success).
- How to follow up with your leads (and when) to transition them into your opportunity.
- The exact same sales strategies, techniques and step-by-step procedures - all based on thousands of live field tests done by real distributors - that myself and my team use to achieve closing ratios of 80% or more when on the phone with our prospects (none of which involve anything even remotely resembling "boiler room" tactics).
- And tons more!
I'm not going to get into everything here because there's simply too much to cover (not to mention it's continually being updated), but let me just sum it up by saying this...
The training and resources area alone is worth ten times the cost of the system and I've had many people tell me that they would gladly pay an ongoing membership fee for access to this site.
... if you don't have a clue about online marketing, traffic generation, copy writing and sales. No worries. There is a complete training section in the back office. The training section is worth thousands on its own.
-Ty Tribble
But again... yours totally FREE if you order today.
Plus, with your order you'll also receive the ongoing content-rich Renegade Newsletter, which is packed with the latest tips, techniques and strategies to further your sales and marketing education.
I knew this wasn't enough though because even if you have people calling you, you still have to know what to say to them on the phone.
That's why I've also included an exclusive audio interview with a man named John Meatte.
Bonus #2: "Selling Without Being a Salesperson: The Surprising Keys to Fearless Comfort on the Phone."
John and I go back a little ways and we did an impromptu training call with about 250 people or so last winter. The response to that call was so overwhelming that I've had people asking me ever since if I could do another one with him, this time more in-depth.
Here's the short story behind John and I...
When John found my website in October of last year, he had only been in mlm for 3 months and had already spent roughly $6,000 on leads... with almost nothing to show for his efforts.
Since landing on my site, it's been quite the turn around.
When our paths first crossed he had less than a 2% conversion rate with his prospects (which is what I like about John - he tracks EVERYTHING. Anyone who knows me knows I'm real big on tracking.)
Literally, within 24 hours of ditching the "sell and tell" methods, he began sponsoring people into his business and his conversion rates shot to 18%.
He ended up sponsoring 28 people that month and he also managed to decrease his expenses by 80%.
Not only that, but after teaching his downline what he had learned, they began duplicating him and started bringing in 5-10 people a month themselves.
He also started making money - $50,000 in 5 months.
In December of '06 myself and my team did an interview with John to talk about his complete 180 degree change and what he was doing to get those results.
It was such a successful call and so popular with people that I decided I really needed to get on the phone with John again and conduct "Part2" of the interview.
We ended up going over the exact process he takes a prospect through on the phone and actually did quite a bit of role playing between him and myself.
We also talked about what he does to get duplication and big numbers from his downline.
Here's just a couple other things we covered...
- John's easy to follow scientific tracking system that allows you to know the EXACT effectiveness and return on investment of every lead you work and every call you make.
- The step-by-step techniques John used to conquer the phone and become a sponsoring master, recruiting 28 people in 40 days.
- How John converts his leads without EVER even talking about the opportunity. (Master this technique and your fear of the phone will disappear forever!)
- The results of a unique "experiment" that caused one of Johns brand new distributors to sign-up 10 people in his first 3 weeks and another brand new distributor to add 6 people in his first 2 weeks. (You can use this same experiment in your own organization to generate massive duplication cross your team.)
- Hear John explain step-by-step, almost hour-by-hour EXACTLY what he does in a "typical day" to generate FAR from typical results.
- The best 2 hours of the entire week to make phone calls. John stumbled across these 2 "golden hours" as a result of his methodical tracking system and he calls these 2 hours his "money time".
- Why running out of money to buy leads may have been the best thing to happen to John in his business. (But why it almost had him ready to quit!)
- How he produced a 500% increase in his sponsoring rate in only 30 days. While at the same time slashing his lead buying expenses by 80%! (That's my kind of math!)
This audio could easily be sold for $49.95 on it's own (and it would still be a bargain!) but it's included free with your order of The Renegade System.
That's not all though, I also wanted to give you...
Bonus #3: "The Renegade Network Marketer Unabridged Audio Training Program."
Some people learn better by reading and some people learn better by listening. And ALL people learn best through repetition and by using multiple senses to absorb content.
So to maximize your ability to consume, absorb and profit from the power packed information contained in The Renegade Network Marketer manual, I've taken the time to professionally record my entire system in audio format, just for you.
This audio version makes the perfect companion to The Renegade Network Marketer PDF Manual. And best of all... I've produced this audio training program in MP3 format, so you can easily upload it to your MP3 player or even burn it to CD, to conveniently listen to it in your car.
You'll pick things up from the unabridged audio version that you may have completely missed in the manual.
This audio version turned out so good, I'm considering turning it into a multi-CD set physical product. If I do, it will probably go for $99.95 or more.
But if you take advantage of this limited time offer today, you'll get the entire, unabridged recording as my FREE gift to you.
Oh, and one more thing if you order today...
Bonus #4: "Virology: The Secret Science of Viral Marketing!"
One of the powerful free traffic generation techniques you'll learn how to use with The Renegade System is something called "Viral Marketing." This special report will help you maximize the awesome potential of this advertising method.
If you've ever wondered how the marketing elite pull off huge numbers of visitors, subscribers and sales - without even trying - you'll be knocked over when you learn their amazing secrets!
Here's just a taste of what you'll uncover inside:
- Ten critical viral marketing principles you must use to create an unstoppable buzz that spreads your website around faster than a California brush fire!
- A complete, A-Z grass-roots history of viral marketing and how these underground guerilla marketing tactics can make your business famous almost overnight
- How mass media experts can help you accumulate incredible wealth, notoriety and major exposure for your website... Fortune 500 companies are just beginning to use this method for some of their biggest marketing campaigns... and they're getting astonishing results!
- How you can gain automatic influence over your prospects and how they perceive you... Get this right, and you'll make money every time you advertise
- What five crucial elements had the power to launch industry giants like Hotmail and Amazon into super-stardom... and how you can ride the same wave on a zero dollar marketing budget!
- A killer new way to infect the multitudes using nothing more than your marketing message and "Web 2.0" services available everywhere... at absolutely no cost!
- Harness the pulling power of your website and multiply your response by 300% with one simple viral element that automatically triples the traffic you're already getting without any effort (Hint: It requires no effort on your part... but turns your visitors into evangelists for your site!)
- The biggest mistake you're probably still making right now, and how everybody's favorite radio station provides the answer that instantly transforms your marketing message into a rapid-fire sales machine on steroids!
- New, almost un-heard of ways you can advertise your web site that may have never even crossed your mind as a possibility... and exactly what it takes to convert those nameless visitors into ecstatic, joyful buyers and even repeat customers!
- And too much more to list here!
This special report is a nice $47.00 value. But again, it's yours absolutely FREE when you Order The Renegade System Today!
These bonus training materials are so valuable, they're worth more than the system itself. And you'll be getting them for FREE.
Vennie If someone had come up to me 19 years ago and put this blueprint in my hands, it would have chopped years off the process and almost eliminated the "struggle" part entirely. Had I known all this back then, I would've been light years ahead of the pack right from the get-go.
(And I could've bypassed all the shame and embarrassment of trying to recruit my entire family tree... along with all the other ridiculous "prospecting" stunts I pulled on total strangers.)
With this system in your hands, you can finally cut through all the hype and bs and get down to building a business the way the professionals do it.
You will never again wonder what you're supposed to be doing "more of!"
"Several Growing Income Streams From Network Marketing"
"Coming across Ann Sieg's website helped me tremendously. In fact, if not for Ann, I would have quit a long time ago. Now I run my own consulting business and have several growing income streams from network marketing and affiliate marketing."
Ed Pershwitz
Plano, TX
"Teaches Me Everything I had To Get From Other Sources Here And There Piecemeal!"
"Within 45 minutes of reading The Renegade Network Marketing book I realized Ann had just summed up the last six months of struggle that I have had learning how to do what she had just put together in one place. I have spent 6 months and $25,000 learning how to be an internet marketer, and here comes Ann for $67 and teaches me everything I had to get from other sources here and there piecemeal."
Andre L.
"Far And Away The Best Investment I have Ever Made!"
"This is the best purchase I have ever made, and it is worth FAR MORE than you charged! I expect to reread the book over and over and over again. Nothing before has given me such a clear picture of what MLM is all about. I have spent a fortune on materials, and this is, far and away, the best investment I have ever made."
Raymond Earl Watson
Does all this sound a little too good to be true? Are you wondering whether this system can really give you the answers you've been desperately looking for? Or, will it just be a re-hashed, recycled version of the same old mlm mumbo jumbo you're tired of hearing... and... a complete waste of your money?
That's okay. I understand your skepticism completely.
Look, I know you're sick of being let down by false-promises... so I want to completely remove any shred of risk involved and make it so there's no way you can lose with a 100% money-back guarantee.
My Personal 100% Money-Back Guarantee
I want you to be as confident my system will work for you as I am and many of my students are.
If this is not the most straight-forward and valuable information you've ever seen, heard or read on network marketing... or if my strategies don't help you get the results you want for your business within 90 days... please, let me know so I can immediately buy it back from you. If this material doesn't absolutely blow your mind and show you a side of this business you never knew existed, I don't want your money.
Just let me know anytime within 90 days and you'll get a complete, fast, no-hassle refund. Simple as that. You don't even have to have a reason. No questions asked.
Here's the best part: As my way of saying "thanks for giving it a try," everything you paid for is yours to keep no matter what.
That's how confident I am in this material. I know that you've never seen anything like this before and once you get your hands on this stuff, you won't look back.
Fair enough?
Ann Sieg, CEO
80/20 Marketing, Inc.
So how much for all this?
The truth is, this information is more valuable than all the "training" you'll ever receive from your company. Believe me - I know from firsthand experience. All the CDs... the monthly seminars... the regional conventions... the big national events that all regurgitate the same old, worn-out, in-effective garbage.
How much do all those run you? $175 for regional events? $300 for national tickets? Throw in your travel, food and lodging and you're looking at a thousand bucks easy.
I've been through all that and if I had to go back and do it again I would trade all the training the mlm industry ever had to offer me for this information in a heartbeat.
After all, it helped me build a $90,000+ a month business.
But this package won't cost you $1,000 or even $175. You can get the entire Renegade System with... The Renegade Network Marketer PDF Manual... the Renegade Network Marketer Backend Lead Generation and Training System... the "Selling Without Being A Salesperson: The Surprising Keys To Fearless Comfort On The Phone" audio interview... the Renegade Network Marketer Unabridged Audio Training Program and... the special report "Virology: The Secret Science Of Viral Marketing!" right now for only $67.00.
That's less than the price of a few dozen opportunity leads.
And... you can have all of this powerful information in your hands within 2 minutes and immediately begin implementing what you learn.
The next move is yours Vennie.
As author Jose Silva said, "Success is not for the timid. It is for those that seek guidance, make decisions, and take decisive action."
Renegade Network Marketer Priority Order Form
Ann, I want to begin attracting people to me and finally start building the business I've always wanted! Please give me instant access to the entire Renegade System right away!
I understand that:
- Once my order is successfully processed, you will grant me instant access to the Renegade Network Marketer PDF Manual, all the resources; all the free bonuses; as well as any add-ons and updates to the system for LIFE.
- My investment is only $67.00 for the entire system.
- Your system 100% guaranteed. If I'm not satisfied or don't begin to see real results within 90 days, I can ask for a complete hassle-free refund. No questions asked.
Click here to try it today for only $67.00.
Order online safely and securely. All major credit cards are accepted.
Final thoughts from Ann...
Remember, I finally realized success when I started doing the opposite of what my upline told me to do. It's like I've always said: The problem is not with network marketing itself. The problem is with the way network marketing is done.
Once you're exposed to this material... unless you somehow lose your entire memory... it would be impossible for you to ever be an "ordinary" network marketer again. And after you implement just a few of these strategies, it'll be like your cell phone, your car or email: You'll wonder how you ever survived without them.To Your Success,
Ann Sieg,
"The Renegade Network Marketer"
PS: Remember Vennie, you've got a full 90 days to try everything out. If you're not happy with anything in any way, you won't be out a penny.
But even if you do ask for a refund, you still get to keep everything you paid for.
The manual... the bonuses... the audios... yes, even access to the back end training area. How's that for fair?
Click here to try it out today!
PPS: Still skeptical? I completely understand. You may not know me and you're probably not sure if this is what you're looking for. Of course... when in doubt, the easiest thing to do is nothing. But if you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting what you've been getting. And because you came to this page and ended up reading this far, I know you're at least somewhat interested in improving your network marketing business.
So let me throw in something extra to help sweeten the deal...
Claim your copy today and I'll throw in the complete transcripts of the "Selling Without Being a Salesperson: The Surprising Keys to Fearless Comfort on the Phone" bonus interview. Grab your copy now, and it's yours free.
Thank God for Ann Sieg...
"I didn't realize the piece of gold I was holding and reading, until about page 70 - and then I started having a difficult time holding my excitement in.
I read the next 44 pages OUT LOUD to my husband. Then I couldn't sleep the entire night, my mind was ticking so fast, with how soon I could start. The Renegade Network Marketer was an easy, enjoyable read, with a ton of information. Many pages I read over, to get a good understanding of the concept, and of course understand some of the terms that I was not familiar with.
But, Ann made it simple to understand, and kept me glued to the page, anxious to turn the next page and gobble up the info! WOW! I just keep repeating, "unbelievable." Thank God for Ann Sieg."
Alicia Bausley
Anaheim Hills, CA
Click here for your instant download...
... Didn't Realize The Gold Mine I Had Found.
"I was ready to give up on my network marketing business after only six weeks. Desperate for more direction other than to make a list of 200 people and start calling, I checked online. Fortunately, the first site I viewed was Ann's. I didn't realize at that time the gold mine I had found.
Since I had never been in sales or network marketing, I had absolutely no skills. I didn't even know what a lead was. I have found the training to be invaluable. And it just makes sense to be calling people who requested information about a home-based network marketing business than from a list of acquaintances.
Thanks Ann, for remarkable leadership, and for such a beneficial resource."
Nancy Christenson
Click here for your instant download...
I Can See the Results For Myself.
"Many of us become involved in Network marketing with the hopes of making it big. We are all inspired at some level by the allure of financial freedom. The industry is riddled with success stories of $50,000-$60,000 checks a month. Anyone struggling or not can not help but see, if only for a second the great potential that lies in being in business for yourself. Ask Bill Gates, need he say more than his $46 Billion testimony.
It therefore stands to reason that we cannot expect financial freedom if we are none the wiser about the methodologies to achieve such success? Having been in Network Marketing on and off for years, I could not take the advice my upline kept giving. You are doing well she said, keep it up. Whoever heard of 20 appointments a day and not a single one shows up? Really I am doing so well huh!
It was this and many other problems that lead me find Ann. I took three weeks researching it on my own. I would like to let you know with Ann's watchful eye, I no longer need to hear you are doing well, keep it up. I can see the results for myself.
Abraham Lincoln said that if he was given 6 hours in which to fell a tree, he would use five of those 6 hours sharpening the axe. If any of you have ever cut down a tree, moral of this quote is not lost on you."
Patricia Kagwiria Makhulo
Click here for your instant download...
The Sales Process Just Became
a Whole Lot of Fun!
"Ann, we just finished reading the "Renegade Network Marketer" e-book for the second time and all we can say is... WOW! The information in this resource is going to help countless people turn their Network Marketing businesses around for the better.
For us, we always had the "Why" and our reasons for doing our business and this book finally gives us the real nuts and bolts "How". We're tired of being Network Marketing failures and your info is helping us to become true MLM pros!
We love how you didn't "water down" any of your book and how you give the complete inside scoop of how massive MLM organizations are built.
Lets' face it, this is a real business and even though it's a dirty word in our biz, we all do "sales". Fortunately, after completing the "Renegade Network Marketer", our view on sales has changed and with your marketing techniques, the sales process just became a whole lot of fun!!"
Nancy & Shawn Power,
Vancouver, Canada.